Saturday, 26 September 2015

A beautiful evening in Covent Garden

It was a weekend to celebrate me turning the big 2-8 and so I decided to spend it with a few of my nearest and dearest.

Starting off the day bright and early, I took the train into Waterloo to begin my day of shopping on Bond and Oxford Street where I met my bestie IntheFrow for a yummy lunch at one of our favourite places, Vintage Salt. 

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Lazy Afternoons: Lavender Walks and Shopping

This isn't going to be one of those long factual posts, but simply just a post to share a great day that I had with my friend last weekend. 

We've been friends for nearly a decade and with so many memories and things in common, we decided to treat ourselves to a night of comedy by watching the hilarious Alan Carr - one of our favourite comedians. 

Friday, 18 September 2015

Pretty Corals Under the Sea: Snorkelling in Egypt

Walking along the wooden jetty, the sun was beaming down as we made our way for another wonderful morning of snorkelling under the sea in Egypt. 

We'd both read numerous reviews on how beautiful the snorkelling was throughout Egypt and how, on a good day, it was possible to see clown fish, rays, turtles and small sharks (something which I hoped we didn't see). 

There are so many tours and trips that leave Hurghada and Sharm El Shake, to explore hidden wrecks and see a colourful rainbow of coral and sea life, but we found that what we had at our local beach was pretty spectacular. 

Gearing up with our snorkel and masks, we also made sure that we wore neoprine protective shoes or booties to protect our feet.

Throughout our two weeks of snorkelling I saw endless amounts of bloody feet and knees that had been cut up from the coral. It's important to protect yourself and the coral. 

Once under the water we spotted a range of colourful fish (even though my video doesn't show the colours) whilst under there we saw a range of tiger fish, clown fish, rainbow fish, a ray and a few jelly fish (which I bolted for the steps for. -after being stung in Monaco, they aren't my favourite things in the sea).

A video posted by Eat Travel Love (@eattravelloveuk) on

But mainly we enjoyed chilling out close to the steps, where all of the fish seemed to congregate and live in their own little world. 

If you're planning on visiting Egypt, then I'd highly recommend some time under the sea. 

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Wonderland in Wales

It was a weekend to celebrate one of my closest friends birthday parties. When she told us that her family rented a remote cottage in North Wales for the bank holiday weekend, we'd always been pretty intrigued as to this mysterious place. But this year we finally got to visit and enjoy a pretty awesome Alice in Wonderland themed birthday party.

Located near Gwynedd, I attempted my first 'big drive' since passing my driving test and after 6 hours (with a few breaks in between) we made our way off the beaten track and up towards a topsy-turvy hill that was full of roaming sheep and beautiful landscape.

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Birthday Beers and Deliveroo

It's my party and I'll Deliveroo if  want to, Deliveroo if I want to. (Sorry I couldn't resist this cheesy pun) But yes, it is or was (depending on when you're reading this) my birthday and what better way to begin my birthday celebrations with beers and a great curry. 

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