Saturday, 27 September 2014

Borough Market in London

Ever since I went to my first farmers market in San Francisco, I have been hooked on the idea. So, on a recent visit to London to see one of my good friends, he decided to take me to the fabulous Borough Market.

Located only a 5-10 minute walk from London Bridge tube stop, Borough Market is one of the oldest and biggest wholesale and retail food markets in all of London. From fresh flowers to mouthwatering meats to fresh vegetables - there is definitely something for everyone here. (See the Borough Market Map)

Here we enjoyed a very British cup of Pimms and fruit and tucked into a salted beef bagel - yummy!  Did  I mention that Borough Market is also the home to Bridget Jones - my hero!

Or more likely The Globe Tavern, which is where a lot of the movie is set. Anyway here are some of my favourite snaps from the market. I hope you enjoy!

Friday, 26 September 2014

Notts Comedy Festival: Football Manager Ruined my Life

Championship football manager. Some of you with football obsessed boyfriends will appreciate any wife or girlfriends pain when you hear the "I'm just going to play on Champ Manager for a while" which ultimately results in an evening lost or - in some cases - a full day. 

Personally, I don't mind this... I say this happily now my fiancée is - in his words - "5 years clean of playing the game". So when we saw the title of one of the Notts Comedy Festival acts, Tony Jameson, we had to go. Football Manager Runined My Life.

Monday, 22 September 2014

The Eat Travel Love Road Trip - 2014 Travel Adventure

For some of you who follow my blog, you will know that last summer, me and my fiancee, embarked on a four month trip around North and Central America. This year we would have LOVED to go back and finish off South America, as we decided to cut our previous trip a month short due to time and money. However, we also got engaged whilst travelling - which has meant that our travel fund has also become our wedding fund.

Given our constant wanderlust to see all of the beautiful things that this marvelous world has to offer, we have decided to take a road trip throughout Europe - and the idea was actually spurred on and organised by my father-in-law to be (yes, I am marrying into a wonderful family who also loves a good travel adventure). Also a fan of luxury cars, it has been his dream to take a 'super car' road trip throughout the breathtaking routes of Europe.

Our Road Trip Route...

I will be doing my best to live blog every two days and I will be sharing all of my snaps on Twitter, Vine and Facebook

Starting off in our home country of the UK, we will be driving the cars to Hull, where we will then take an overnight Ferry to Brussels. From here we will then drive on to Switzerland and stay on the stunning Lake Geneva for a day. After this we will then drive through to Italy to celebrate my fiancees 28th birthday with authentic Italian Pizza and well deserved Peroni. Once we have celebrated (no doubt into the early hours) we will then continue on to Monaco where we plan to stay and relax for 3 days before driving back through France and then back to the UK. 

If you have any tips or advice for the countries/places that you hear me chatting about on here or social media, then please do send me a tweet and using my hashtag #ETLROADTRIP - I love to see the hidden places that other travellers have found, so thank you in advance!

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Travel Tips: A Guide to Water When Travelling

This is an unusual post for me, as I'm not really the type of person who shares infographics, as they tend to be a little bit...well, vanilla. But when I was asked to share this, I couldn't not. Water. An essential part to every day life, never mind a travel adventure. Which is why it is so important to understand when and where it is OK to drink from a tap when travelling.

When travelling around Mexico, myself and my fiancée become bed ridden for 5 days after being given local water in Mexico City. We were so careful everywhere we went and specifically asked for no ice wherever we ate/drank. But somehow, we still go sick.

I wanted to let fellow travellers and readers of my blog know where is safe to drink tap water around the world. Also, if you're ever unsure on if you can drink the water then I'd suggest taking some water purification tablets with you - Amazon sell these for a reasonable price.

A travellers guide to tap water

A Traveller’s Guide To Tap Water

A Traveller’s Guide To Tap Water [Infographic] by the team at Neo Mammalian Studios

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Wanderlust Fashion: Autumnal Shades

I'm sorry for anyone who is reading this twice - agh - but Blogger seems to have a few gremlins in it this week. 

So I recently published a post on my favourite shades and styles of Autumn trends that are currently on the high street. Seeing as this has now dissapeared from my blog. I guess I start again... 

Autumn. One of my favourite seasons to travel around the world in. From the crispy leaves of NYC's Central Park to the brisk temperatures of English woodlands - autumn is the perfect season to begin layering up. 

For some reason, I have also taken a slight obsession to a cheeky fedora hat. Yes I look like a hipster and Indiana Jones love child - but, hey! I love them. 

With that in mind here are a few of my favourite things from the highest street at the moment. 

To see the full list I've products, head over to my Polyvore board at

Saturday, 13 September 2014

Mouthwatering Goodness at MeatLIQUOR | London

On a recent trip to London to see one of my best friends, Tim, we decided to pay a visit to the mouthwatering (and slightly dark restaurant) of MeatLIQUOR.

This is a no fuss, hands on approach style restaurant, located behind House of Fraser just off Oxford Street that serves up a range of home comfort American style food.

When arriving at the restaurant, we were greated by a very friendly hostess who informed us that the wait would be 25-30 minutes before we could get our table for two.

Note: If you're booking in a group over four people, I would seriously recommend booking in advance as you may be waiting for a while.

For us this wasn't a problem though, as we headed to the bar to soak up the (warm) atmosphere and choose from a selection of American beers. We opted for a refreshing Bud Light (£3.20 each) and relaxed at the bar until our table was ready.

The Atmosphere 

If you have ever been to an American dive style bar before, then you will see lots of similarities in this place - but it also has a pop punk twist.

The Grub

The menu has so much to choose from but we decided to go all out and order a burger each, home made slaw, fries and chicken wings (sweet lord - the chicken wings are the best wings I have ever tasted). Prepare to drool...

One thing I loved about this restaurant is that the food comes all on one big tray and you just tuck right in. Our bill came to around £30 in total, for ALL this food. We were well and truly stuffed and will without a doubt be returning to the marvellous MeatLIQUOR. 

Sunday, 7 September 2014

8 Amazing Travel Apps

Travel Apps. A topic that I am aware has been talked about numerous times within the travel industry. But when reminiscing about my American adventure last summer, I started thinking about how helpful a handful of apps were in different situations.


As much as I love to travel, I also love to stay in contact with my loved ones; and so these are my key apps to have when venturing out and about.


Images: Viber


Image: Mactrast


Image:  Whatsapp

Transport and Accommodation

It's important to be able to book and move as quickly or as slowly as you want when travelling. But, rather than spending hours searching the internet for a next cheapest flight or accommodation, get yourself these discounted/price comparison apps.


Image: Travel Weekly

Hostel Bookers

Image: Hostel Bookers

Tips and Advice

These two apps were life savers on all my travel adventures. They were able to give me the information that I needed / wanted on an area, location or price. Although, when it comes to things like Trip Advisor, I would say to use this as a very rough overview. Sometimes, people are quicker to right about the negative things that happen to them, than the positive. 

Trip Advisor

Image: Tourism ESchool

XE Currency

Image:  Mashable

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