Saturday, 30 August 2014

Camping Adventures in Bakewell

Previously, I have mentioned about taking shorter adventures this summer, as opposed to my large scale one around America - this time last year!

So, me, my fiancĂ©e, one of my best friends and her boyfriend decided to pack up our camping gear and head to the beautiful Peak District to enjoy a couple of days in the great outdoors. 

Day One 

Arriving at the picturesque Greenhills Holiday Park around midday, we decided to check in, look around the facilities and leave the boys to build our humongous tent. 

Unfortunately, we ran in to a slight rain shower and so we decided to make a break for it to the onsite pub for pint of local real ale, before setting the tent up. Once this was done, we decided to follow the country road from the camp site and walk for 30 minutes into the quaint little town of Bakewell (and home to the yummy Bakewell tart). 

We were hoping to get to the Bakewell market to pick up some food for the next few days, however we were a little too late and the vendors were packing everything away. So, we decided to opt for the next best thing, a country pub crawl until the late evening. Bakewell has a range of lovely traditional English pubs that serve up some seriously tasty home made grub. 

Day Two

My amazing friend, Charlie, had done her research before our camping adventure and suggested that on our second day, we head up to Carsington Water for a day of windsurfing and paddle boarding. Our windsurfing taster session wasn't booked in until 2pm and so be decided to head back into Bakewell to stock up on pastys and drinks before our adventure. 

With a little extra time to spare (and a need to walk off our steak and cheese pasty) we took a walk over the Bakewell suspension bridge - where we came across the 'love locks' that people starting leaving on bridges in NYC and Paris. 

When the time finally arrived, we drove to Carsington Water to experience our first attempts at windsurfing. Having surfed on previous travel adventures, I wasn't too worried about this.  However, it's a very different experience to surfing - yet you still get the same buzz when riding the water and catching the wind. 

We paid £19 for 1.5 hour lesson - which included the wetsuit hire and our instructor was brilliant. He was always with us in the boat and constantly pulled us back in when we became banked in the weeds. Once our lesson was up, we were all had so much adrenaline running through our bodies, that we decided to rent paddle boards for the next hour and paddle out on the reservoir and enjoy the late afternoon sunshine. Later on that evening, we decided to relax with beers and a BBQ after a pretty hectic - but amazing - day. 

Day Three

Day three meant, home time : (  - in the morning, we indulged in yummy bacon sandwiches, porridge and tea. Once, we deflated all of the blow up beds, it we packed up our things and headed home. 

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Travel Love: Lifedge Waterproof Phone Cases

I first experienced a' life proof' style phone cases when staying with one of our good friends in Orlando. He threw his phone and giant rubber ring into one of the Florida springs that we went to visit for the day. At first, I thought he had accidentally threw his phone into the river, but it turns out he had a durable phone case that could be used in snow, water and rough terrain. As an outdoor adventurer, this type of product was perfect for him and his job (which involves a lot of outdoor climbing through trees, cliffs etc). 

Since then I was hooked. I loved the idea of using my phone in all weather conditions and on all types of travel adventures - safe in the knowledge that no matter how many times I drop or get it wet (within limits) it will be safe. 

So when I received a parcel through my door with a Lifedge* waterproof iPhone case, it's safe to say I got a little bit excited - especially as I've got a number of adventures in the pipe line that this would be perfect for! Until then, I wanted to share with you some of the key features to these brilliant cases.

The Lifedge cases are available in a range of colours Arcus (grey), Omugi (auqa), Basalt (black) and Juniper (green). I opted for the Limited Edition Omugi that was inspired by technical running apparel and named after the Tarahumara running tribe. 

From sailing to camping to snowboarding, Lifedge don’t just provide waterproof iPhone cases, they also offer a range of cases for your iPad so that you can capture all those moments on a range of mobile devices.

Here’s a little more info on the type of spec you can expect. 

Image Lifedge

If that isn't enough info for you, then check out this clever little video that shows you all the amazing things that you can do with your Lifedge waterproof phone case.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Take a d'Vine Trip Down Under

Australia was apart of my first BIG backpacking adventure. The first time I have travelled for over three months, to a range of different countries, and I loved it.

Of course, we booked into do all of the popular tours on offer such as the Great Barrier Reef, Fraiser Island and the Whitsundays (even though we go to sick to do that one) and not to forget the Sydney harbour bridge climb. We also chose a slightly different tour to the popular choices and headed to Myella Farm in the outback. Here we went trekking on horses, milked the cows and make friends with the local joey.

I really love alternative tours like this; so when the guys from d'Vine tours over in Australia got in touch,I thought it would be a nice idea to talk about what they have to offer.

Located in Perth, d’Vine offer a range of tours to suit all needs from private charters to weekly tours, there is something to fit all budgets - more info on tour packages here. You can choose to be picked up from a series of departure locations – starting off at the Perth CBD at 10:15am.

On most of the tours you will get to sample the wines and indulge in a scrummy cheese platter – my idea of heaven! From what I could find on their website – prices start at $65 for adults – but considering that the Sydney Bridge is between $248-$268 dollars for a day climb – to me, this isn't too badly priced and is something different to talk about with your fellow backpackers and friends.

For more information on d'Vine you can visit their Trip Advisor page here or simply visit*.

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Nottingham Caribbean Carnival

Last weekend I attended, a very last minute, Carribbean Carnival in my home city of Nottingham and it was amazing. Like most cities, Nottingham holds a diverse ethnic culture and I love it when events like these happen to show people how fun other cultures can be! 

Starting off at the Nottingham Castle Gates, a little later than the scheduled 2pm start, the brightly coloured dancers and musical lorries/trucks made their way through the city streets. 

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Honeymoon Beaches in Jamaica

Planning a wedding is one of the most fun / stressful /exciting / emotional processes that I have ever had to do in my entire life. But, nevertheless, it will be all be worth it when I get to walk down the aisle and marry my travel partner in crime.

Image: Huffington Post
In fact, I think that couples have a honeymoon to get over all the wedding planning / day (and obviously to enjoy some married couple time).

Dream Beach Holidays 

Image: Trip Advisor
So recently, I have been putting together some honeymoon destination boards, starting with one of our popular choices, Jamaica.

Follow Eat Travel's board Beautiful Honeymoon Beaches on Pinterest.

The second largest city in Jamaica, Montego Bay is a perfect destination to soak up some sunshine on white sandy beaches and then cool off in their idyllic crystal clear waters. 

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Wonderful Wedding Weekend in the Lake District

When my best friend, Emma, told me about her engagement I was ecstatic.

She planned to marry her husband in New Zealand in an intimate beach ceremony (as that is where he in from) and then have an English blessing in her home town up in the Lake District.

Seeing as there was a big group of us friends attending the wedding with partners, we decided to rent a big country cottage in the Lake Distict that cost us £48 each a night. Let me tell you - it was perfect! The cottage slept up to 11 people and we found it through ....

The Lake District is perfect for anyone who loves an outdoor adventure. From picturesque walks to swims in Lake Windamere, there really is something got everyone. Trip advisor have some great recommendations on their list and if you're planning a trip here, I would definitely check them out. 

But more importantly, I just wanted to share a few beautiful images with you all from my perfect weekend with some amazing friends. 

It's safe to say that the Lake District will definetly be a place that I return to for a weekend adventure.

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Wanderlust Fashion: Travel Style with Mocks

Welcome back to my August Wanderlust Fashion. It feels like forever since I have done one of these, so when the lovely ladies over at Mocks asked if they could do a guest post on their - pretty swish - new shoe collection, I thought, why the heck not.

My bestie, IntheFrow, has recently styled up these shoes on one of her blog posts, but for now I will leave it for you to read all about what the guys over at Mocks have to say. Enjoy x


Mocks: Your Perfect Travel Companion

Whether you are spending the day exploring the countryside, travelling from airport to airport until you get to your final destination, or shopping until you drop in the likes of New York or Milan, there is one thing you need... a comfortable pair of shoes.

Mocks at Soundwave festival
Image: Mocks Blog
There is nothing worse than getting an hour into your day and discovering that the shoes you are wearing are extremely uncomfortable – they are rubbing against your feet, you seem to be developing blisters, the balls of your feet or in agony already...the problems are endless. And ultimately, it distracts from the enjoyment of your day, doesn’t it? You end up focused on your sore feet rather than the fun to be had. Well, you don’t have to worry about this any longer...

Off to Rio!
Image: Mocks Blog
Mocks* are your perfect stylish travel companion. You won’t experience any of problems mentioned when wearing a pair of Mocks. Pure comfort is assured. No matter how far or wide you intend on travelling, you can be assured that you will never have to utter the words ‘my feet are killing me!’

So, how can you be certain that our shoes provide the best level of comfort? Well, we have used Coolmax Technology to circulate air inside the shoe, which keeps your feet drier. The material itself is made from a high quality polymer called STERI-TECH. Upper protection ensures that liquids cannot enter the shoe, whilst all shoes boast an anti-slip sole. The closed heel offers additional support, which is ideal for a whole host of locations. The shoes are washable and even boast a soft scent to keep your feet and the shoes smelling fresh.

Image: Mocks Blog
And don’t panic, whilst we may offer ultimate comfort, this certainly does not mean that we sacrifice on the style front. A lot of people think that comfortable shoes equates to ugly shoes. And who can blame them? There doesn’t seem to be much choice available, until now. Our mocks are designed on traditional moccasins with  century twists. We have a great selection for both men and women to a few 21st choose from.

Mocks Style

From tassle loafers and boat shoes, to classic white and bright shades, to Aztec patterns and floral print – the options are well and truly endless. There is no way you will struggle to find a Mock that matches your style and personality. You can express yourself no matter whether you are on the beach or in the countryside.
So, if you are looking for a pair of shoes that ticks all of the boxes, you have certainly found them with Mocks. No matter where you are travelling, no matter what the weather is like, no matter how long you have to stay on your feet... Mocks will ensure you are completely comfortable whilst looking super stylish! What more could you want?

Saturday, 9 August 2014

A lazy day of sight-seeing in London

I decided to take a London weekend off with my fiancée and head to our beloved capital to see the Queen and catch up with some of his lovely family.

In the morning purchased a day ticket for the London Underground for zones 1-6 which cost us around £8-£9. But this is for unlimted underground transport for the whole day - which I find to be a pretty good deal. 

After having scrummy breakfast with my fiancĂ©es family, we decided to go the the stunning, Natural History Museum. This is  a free museum to enter and simply ask that you give a little spare change as a donation to them or you can buy one of their helpful guides/activity packs which cost between £1-£5. (Which is what I did)

The building is so breathtaking from the inside and outside. I was marvelled by the architecture of the building alone, never mind the amazing things in it - like the life size T-Rex.

After spending a good 3 hours looking around the Natural Historty museum, we then jumped on the underground and headed over to the river embankment, where you will find the iconic Big Ben, London Eye and the Houses of Parliment. 

It's always so lovely to just walk around these buildings and admire the detail in them. 

After then stopping for a few cheeky beverages with two groups of friends. We took a stroll back through the stunning St James Park and headed on down to see if the Queen was in at Buckingham Palace.

On the way back to the underground station, we happened to pass the spectacular toy store, Hamleys. Trust me - this place is a kids dream! 

I have never been in, but it I even found myself getting carried away - I wanted to purchase this giant cuddly bear so much! It was only £1500 after all.

Later on that evening, we decided to be very naughty (despite meeting family for drinks and food) we headed over to the legendary 5 Guys in Covent Garden for a burger - but this deserves a blog post all to itself. So be sure to stay tuned! 

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