Thursday, 27 February 2014

Sunshine Dreaming: Sydney Adventures

Despite the numerous stops and 24-48 hour long journey, it is most definitely worth taking a trip to Australia. I travelled there back in 2009 for an epic summer adventure through South East Asia, Australia and New Zealand.

Recently, one of my close friends decided that he wanted to do something similar and so he has packed his bags for a four week adventure to Sydney and other key cities like Brisbane and Cairns in Oz. Flying with Emirates*, the same company who we flew with and were amazing, he was telling me how spectacular his adventure was. 
When enviously browsing through his photos on Facebook, it got me to thinking about all the amazing things that I did in Sydney and so I thought I would put a little blog post together to share my adventures with you. 

Sunday, 23 February 2014

The Big Winter Escape: Exploring Tenerife

Yes, I know. I have just come back from a huge adventure travelling North and Central America. But since Christmas, New Year, a new job and a new home have all happened in the space of two months. Our travelling feet began to itch and so we decided to escape with my fiancées family for our annual holiday to the Canary Islands.
We flew into the biggest of the Canary Islands, Tenerife, to stay at the wonderful Parc Santiago apartments, located in between the Los Cristianos and Playa de Las Americas zones for a week.

Monday, 17 February 2014

Home Ramblings with Wilko: Bathroom Inspiration

For those of you who have been following my home ramblings with series, this is the final one of the trilogy. For the past three weeks I have been searching for home ideas that has been inspired by the beautiful places that I have travelled to. 

First began my searching for an vintage inspired kitchen and then moving onto red fusion themes for my living room

Now we are at the final post for my bathroom and I don't know why, but I love the idea of having aqua and cerulean themed colours, just like something out of a picturesque scenery of Greece. 
♛ Dream
Images: We Heart It

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Worldly Wedding Stationery

When reading through the epic mountain of a wedding magazine, Brides; I was rather excited at the section covering the different types of location themed wedding invites. 
Don't get me wrong, I love the traditional wedding invitations, but I want something that is as unique to me and my fiancé as possible. 
One of the key things that we have in common is our love of travel. So now I'm on the look out for some worldly wedding themed save the dates and invitations. 

My favourite in the Brides feature has to be the boarding pass or the fold out map. They are such a simple and personal way to invite your loved ones to your big day. 

Monday, 10 February 2014

Home Ramblings with Wilko: Living Room Inspiration

Welcome to part two of my home ramblings blog posts with the help of*. After writing about my vintage aqua and red kitchen inspiration, I am now looking into inspirational images and locations from all around the world, so that I can develop some living room inspiration to go into my brand new apartment.
J'aime Mon Maroc !!! | via Facebook
Image: We Heart It

Friday, 7 February 2014

Around The World: Fairy Tale Romantic Getaways

When I was a kid in the late 90s, I grew up watching just about every single Disney film that was going. Every birthday or Christmas I would be treated to the a new Disney movie on VHS. So it is pretty much safe to say that I grew up with fairy tale, princesses and heroes being a prominent part of my life.
Obviously, now that I am in my mid-twenties the idea of someone riding on a white horse, dressed in armour to come and rescue me from an evil queen every time that I have a difficult day, is probably asking a little too much of my fiancee! 

But I was thinking more along the lines of alternative trips / adventures for Valentines Day. (Guys you're welcome) As what girl doesn't want to be treated like a princess on Valentines Day and so what better way to take her on a surprise trip to a beautiful castle.
Throughout the UK there are a number of historic castles to visit, but I thought I'd look at some that are also in a land, far far away.

Fairy Tale Trips for Valentines Day

Monday, 3 February 2014

Home Ramblings with Wilko: Kitchen Inspiration

A new year and a new home is on the way...after my short winter adventure in mid-February, me and my lovely fiancee with be moving into a new apartment in the city center on Nottingham. This is our first unfurnished apartment, before we make the 'big move' into the property market.

Having traveled around so many amazing places I am constantly experiencing beautiful landscapes and cultures and I become inspired to try and take the colours, patterns or fabrics into my home.
paris, bien sûr...
lovely flowers
Images: We Heart It

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Quick & Easy Hair Styles For Travelling

In a weeks time I will be off on my annual family holiday with my fiancees family to Tenerife. Each year I really look forward to this holiday, as it's the perfect time to get some winter sunshine, relax and to have a cheeky surf on the rocky Los Cristianos beaches. Yes, you guessed it for one week, I turn into the ultimate travel sloth by only doing things when I want to.
So when I am getting ready to go to a bar/evening meal, I want my hair and beauty routine to look good, but to also be as quick as possible (I do have all those cocktails waiting hehe). Recently I have been watching some of my favourite Vloggers on YouTube and their helpful videos on easy hairstyles and I thought that my lovely readers may also find them helpful.
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