Sunday, 2 November 2014

#ETLRoadTrip: France to UK

The #ETLRoadTrip is finally coming to an end - and I hope that you have been enjoying it as much as I have been doing it all. I will be updating posts with relevant links when I get back to the UK, but for now, here we are in Beaune, France.

After a very long drive from Monaco to Beaune, we stopped off in a Comfort Inn (kind of like a Motel 6 or Premier Inn) for the evening and took a taxi into the local town which was only 3 kilometres away. 

Dropping all of our bags off into the room, we headed for the town pub to sit outside with all of the other locals and enjoy a beer. 

It was also pretty cute to see all of the kids dressed up for Halloween and trick or treating in the local homes and businesses. 

After chatting about the favourite parts of our trip so far, we decided to head to the restaurant recommended by our taxi driver. Here we indulged in escargo, canard graitan and pate - whilst washing it all down with some lovely red wine. You could say we fully emersed ourselves in the local culture - but hey! It was our last night in France, so why the heck not! 

The next morning, we stocked up on breakfast as we prepared to drive the 5 1/2 hours back to Zeebruger to take the ferry home to England. 

Arriving at the port around 4pm, we loaded our cars onto the ferry and enjoyed our final evening of the family road trip. 

From broken Italian to basic French, this has been such a fun and amazing adventure. I would like to say a HUGE thank you to my family-in-laws for arranging everything. You really have made my #ETLRoadTrip that little bit extra special. 
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