Saturday, 28 September 2013

5 Free Things to do when delayed in an Airport

I am currently writing this blog post whilst delayed in New Orleans. We're about to take two flights to Chicago. However, due to severe weather warnings in Texas we currently nearly 3 hours delayed and still awaiting confirmation from the air traffic control for our flight to leave. 

So, me and my boyfriend thought it would be handy to give you 5 free tips on what you can do if you're flight is delayed.

Friday, 27 September 2013

3 UK Musical Theatre Shows to Watch this Autumn

Despite really enjoying myself, I haven’t been to that many theatre shows, which is shocking as I have always loved watched live dramatic performances.

Myself and my best friend (@InTheFrow) have been to see Cinderella at the ballet and in December last year, I went to go and see the hit global musical of Wicked in London’s West End.


If you love a good sing along and dramatic performance, then a theater show is perfect for you (and maybe your group of friends).

On my current travels around America, don’t forget to follow #ETLUSA, I am also watching comedian Russell Brand perform at Washington DC’s national theater, which should hopefully be fun too.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Big Pink Miami: My 1st USA Waffle Experience

When asking around on Twitter for recommendations on Miami, the lovely Luann Edwards suggested that we go to a restaurant / bar called the Big Pink.

When checking out its location, I noticed that it was only on the next block from our hostel on Colin's Ave. 

Sunday, 22 September 2013

#ETLUSA Adventure: Washington DC, Orlando & Miami

So to part two of the #ETLUSA adventure...if you missed part one, then you can catch up here or you can keep following my adventures on Twitter.

Stop Five: Washington DC 
Once again we took the Megabus, this time for $6 each, from Philadelphia for 3 hours to Washington DC. When staying in Washington, we had to downgrade our 4 star hotel room to a 6 bed shared dorm at the Hosteling International for £28 a night. (...Atlantic City was actually cheaper than this :O ) 

But to be fair, the location of this hostel can not be faulted. It is so close to downtown DC and you can walk pretty much everywhere. So we took the metro 2 stops and walked up 11th street to check-in. Our room was nice and clean, with secure lockers and free wifi which was good. The rest of this day was mainly spent catching up on laundry, buying some groceries and booking more of our adventure on the West Coast.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Enjoy Hostel Bookers United Sharing Adventure

Whilst relaxing in our hotel,  I was checking my daily tweets over on the Eat Travel Love account and noticed an update from the Brand USA account about the latest social interaction campaign from the lovely guys over at

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Wanderlust Fashion: Autumn Coloured Scarves

From a 14 hour bus journey in Oz to a 1 hour plane journey to Monaco. I can't begin to think how many times one of my many million scarves has come to my rescue when travelling.

city, eiffel tower, girl, lights - inspiring picture on
Image: We Heart It
The can be used as a neck or scarf, sarong, blanket, pillow and even sometimes just to accessorize your outfit. 

Friday, 13 September 2013

3 Tips to Help with Mosquito Bites

During my #ETLUSA adventures I am finding that I am getting a number of large bites on my legs and arms. 

Image: We Heart It
When looking around on health sites and Trip Advisor Forums, I found that the reason we get bit is so that the female mosquito (males don't bite) can nourish her unborn eggs and can sniff out your blood from 50 meters away. Bluegh. 

But on a serious note mosquito bites can lead to irritating and even fatal consequences such as Malaria.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

#ETLUSA Adventure: New York, Boston, Philadelphia & Atlantic City

As many of you who read my blog or follow me on Twitter will know, I am currently on a an adventure around the USA and Central America.

This blog post is a quick round up of my experience so far since we landed in NYC after a brilliant 8 hour flight with American Airlines. 

First Stop: New York City (Manhattan) 

After taking the subway train into the city, we were instantly greeted by extreme heat and instant sweat as we carried our backpacks and changed at 3 subway stations to get to out hotel/hostel. (This is the only negative thing I have to say about the trip, so I'll get this out the way) The NYC underground is CRAZY hot in the Summer time and with a backpack it's extremely uncomfortable, but once you get to your location it's all worth it.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Brooklyn Adventures: Taking Brewery Tour

A place like no other and a definite must-see if you're visiting Manhattan or Brooklyn in NYC.

Located off the Bedford Stop (L-Line) in Williamsburg, Brooklyn on 11th avenue you will find the Brooklyn Brewery. This year they are celebrating their 25th anniversary as they have now become the 11th biggest brewer in America with beers and lagers going out to countries all around the world.

I first had my Brooklyn Brewery Lager at Byron Burger in Manchester and when I knew we were coming to Brooklyn on this trip, I had to pay a visit.

Tickets for the Brooklyn Brewery Tour

If you turn up at the weekend, I have read that you can get free tours. However, this also means that more people go and less beer is given out. Their is an option to purchase tickets for what they call the small batch tours. We opted for this option as it was only $15 and meant you were given more tasty beers in a smaller and more intimate group of 10-20 people maximum 

Here's a little more information on their tours

If you do opt for the small group / more beer option, then these tickets need to be purchased in advance and you also need to wear shoes that cover your toes. I wore sandals and had to change into a fetching pair of yellow Crocs style shoes for our tour around the brewery.

What to expect from a Brooklyn  Brewery Tour

The big red doors open at 5pm and you're then greeted by a friendly group of Brooklyn Brewery employees who will show you around the brewery and take you through the tasting. 

After showing our IDs the tasting got under way and the operations manager talked us trough all the different types of malts and hops that went into the beers. We tried 5 different beers all together and I have to save my favourite had to be the one that tasted like bubblegum and was also 8.9%.

We then ventured into the different types of processing rooms where he told us that last year they made over 100,000 barrels of Brooklyn beer to be shipped out to bars across the world. This didn't include any of the individual bottles that were created also.

At the end of our tour, you are welcome to continue drinking until 7pm and can buy beer tokens of 5 for $20 or 1 token for $5. All of their beers are pretty strong and range from a variety strengths. 

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Kids Holidays to LEGOLAND [OFFER]

When I was growing up, my dad bought me a huge box of LEGO as apart of one of my Christmas gifts. From that day on I was hooked, no matter how many barbies, polly pockets or dream phones that came along. I was in love with my LEGO...probably up until the point of oh!

Over the years LEGO as a brand has built itself from more than just building bricks. From amazing stores where you can build your own characters from it's own theme park, located outside Windsor in the UK.

Wait...a whole theme part made of LEGO, now this is what I am talking about.

Image from
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