Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Short Travel Beauty Guide by In The Frow

My best friend over at In The Frow, has decided to write a short travel beauty guide to help you ladies decided on your must have products for a travel adventure.

Short Travel Beauty Guide 

Sunday, 17 March 2013

St Patricks Day Parade

Most people I meet or know have some form of Irish heritage...

For me it's my grandma, who up until the age of 14, lived in a seaside town called Port Rush in Ireland with her brothers and my great Grandma Tilly (Matilda).

One day they decided to move as a family over to England for a better life. And so my great grandma and her sister Peggy, packed up their families belongings, took boat over to Liverpool and then made their way to start a life in the Midlands.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Wanderlust Fashion | Spring Trends for 2013

When joining in the weekly #girlstravel chat on Twitter, I came across a blogger who combined my two loves in live, fashion and shopping. (Check her out at @TravelShop-a-Holic)

After seeing her review places around the world and their best shopping locations, it got me to thinking about how I should start talking about travel fashion for girls.

So I have decided to start a series of posts called Wanderlust Fashion to run alongside my other travel information posts.

Saturday, 9 March 2013

The Best UK Spas for Mothers Day

No matter what your budget, a relaxing spa day with the best women in your life is a great investment in my opinion.

Yes, I am talking about Mother's Day! This year it will be Sunday 10th of March and is a time of year to show our mums that little bit of extra love that we don't show the for the rest of the 364 days of the year.

So I thought a post on the UK's top spas may be helpful of you're looking to plan a nice and relaxing day for you and your mum.

Top UK Spas for Mothers Day

Bannatyne's Spa

Monday, 4 March 2013

Hidden Manchester: Richmond Tea Rooms

So I have lived in Manchester for nearly 7 years now and I have only just found this little hidden gem and its called Richmond tearooms.

Situated just off Canal Street and next to Manchester's popular gay village. This tea rooms is not like the ones your granny used to drag you to as a kid. These tearooms are far more magical than that! These tea rooms are inspired by Alice in Wonderland.

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