Monday, 25 February 2013

Travel Help | Lonely Planet on YouTube

For my fellow traveller friends who already know about this YouTube channel then you may want to stop reading... however for those of you who are looking to take a travel adventure and haven’t found this yet, then you may want to check out Lonely Planet’s YouTube page.

Packed with over 100 videos on popular worldwide travel destinations such as Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America, Pacific and the rest of the world, this channel is perfect if you’re currently travelling or you are planning to travel and do not know where you want to go next.

Lonely Planet Travel Guide Videos

I wanted to include many for helpful video guides, however I have listed my favourite 3 Lonely Planet Travel guides.

Paris City Guide

Friday, 22 February 2013

Romance in the City

I know, I know...Valentines day has been and gone. But that doesn't mean that people can't take romantic trips all year round ;)

I just happen to be writing a post during one of the most romantic months of the year. But these 'romantic destinations' don't always mean that you need to take a boyfriend or girlfriend to these places. Some of the best places I have visited have been with my best girl-friends.

I think the best example of 'love' not being just about if you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, is the opening scene to Love Actually where Hugh Grant explains that if you want to see love the watch the arrival zones at any airport and you will see truly see that love is all around. 

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