Friday, 20 January 2012

A Simple Travel Thought...

As you have probably heard/seen me discuss my love of travelling ... (Not guessing for the name of the title).

However standing on the tram on my evening commute home in the cold and windy rain, I find myself (like most working people I'm sure) thinking about a "big move"... As in I pack up my shiz and move me and el bearo to a warmer country.

Then comes the question of, well where would I move to exactly ... 


Well I did like it there but it is a little too far from England.


In all fairness the only place I could see myself living in Europe would be France...and to be even more specific, the south of France!


The land of opportunity and a place I am yet to visit. So I can't judge if I am yet cut out for the the "Oh my god, like seriously" culture.

Maybe when we look at the "big trip" in the next few years, I can then make the decision to as to where in the world I belong. Bur for now, it is just a simple travel thought. 

Friday, 13 January 2012

Barcelona Baby... Hello 2012.

As each new year approaches, I promise myself I will loose weight, eat better and learn a language, I also insist that I will continue my love of travel.

What better way to start my new year and welcome 2012 than in the fabulous and vibrant sunny city of Barcelona!?!

So here is my low-down of the Barcelona.

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