Thursday, 29 December 2011

Happy New Year! From Barcelona

If you have read my previous posts on Eat-Travel-Love, you will be aware of my new years eve dilemma. First New York for a city break, then Tunisia for some much needed winter sun and now, now myself and El Bearo have decided on Barcelona, the perfect combination of the two.

I have written a blog post a few months back now on 'What to do and what to see in Barcelona' and now I am getting to take my own travel advice and actually go to these places.

In my previous 'Merry Christmas' blog post I wished you all a Happy New Year but, seeing as it's Christmas (kind of), I would like to wish you all a Happy 2012 and to let you all know that my first blog post of 2012 will be on my trip to Barcelona.

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Merry Christmas: The Manchester Christmas Markets

I have lived in the wonderful world of Manchester now for six years, and each year I have had the delight in hosting one of the biggest Christmas Markets in the UK.

Since first arriving in 1998 the Manchester Christmas German Markets started off as 17 stalls in St Annes Square and were hosted by the Council of FrankFurt . Thirteen years on the markets now spread throughout the city centre of Manchester.

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