Sunday, 25 September 2011

Must-See Visits in Milan aka Mambo Miliano

Coffee, Fashion and Football... Welcome to Milan

I ventured to Milan as apart of my 2007 Euro Trip with El Bearo. After Flying into Italy and exploring Rome and Venice, Milan was our next stop before visiting the glamours Monaco.

We arrived by train into the Stazione di Milano Centrale, as the main trip was through Inter-Railing, and jumped onto a bright orange tram to our little hostel. (located not near the centre of town as advertised)

As we had slept overnight in the Venice train station, our first call of duty was to get some much need sleep, a shower and then venture out to explore the beautiful city of Milan. (One strange thing I noticed in our hostel and im not sure if any of my fellow travellers who may read this will comment, but has anyone seen a bathroom , whilst travelling in any other country than Italy, that has a shower over the toilet? Very strange if you ask me...anyway.)

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Happy Birthday To Me...

A Very Happy Birthday in Manchester. 

Today is my birthday and I will be spending it in the city that I love, the city where there is a light that never goes out... the marvellous Manchester.

Welcome To My Manchester Home

Manchester. A city of music, football, art, culture and amazing people.

I will write a post in more detail about my amazing city. But I think that today I deserve a break :P

However here is one of my favourite ever images of Manchester as I can spot where I live (and have lived) work, eat, drink and just live my day to to day life. In short I Love MCR

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