Thursday, 25 August 2011

Beautiful Barcelona

Barcelona is a place that I am aiming to go next summer. This beautiful Spanish city is the region of North East Spain and situated on the coastline of the Mediterranean sea. Barcelona is a city that has the perfect combination of idyllic beaches and busy shopping areas.

Explore Barcelona

Take a look at this great 3D video tour that gives you a wide variety of  information on all the sites, shops and restaurants that Barcelona has to offer.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

A Winter Tan in Tunisia?

Myself and the travelling bear are thinking about maybe having a New Year / New Year's Eve in Tunisia to get ourself a little winter sun. (seeing as we have decided to postpone our epic New York until next year)

So this is really just a quick blog to see if any of my fellow travellers have been to Tunisia and what did you all think of it? Of course I am now on a (small) mission to research into what exciting adventure Tunisia will offer me... and this is what I have found. 

Tunisia's Wonderful Concoction of Terrains   

Ok so the basics... Tunisia has a population of just over 10.4 million people and is bored on Libya, Algeria and the Mediterranean Sea. The south of Tunisia is composed of the beautiful Sahara Desert , where many 4x4 and camel rides are popular amongst tourists, whilst the rest of the land made up of fertile soil and stunning coast lines that offer stunning coral reefs and diving opportunities.

Tunisia, like many other countries, is said to have a collection of ancient ruins and it also seems that it has a Hollywood influence as the Star Wars movies were shot there.

So after this, very brief research, here is a college of images that just may convince me to get booking a winter holiday. 

Friday, 5 August 2011

Aussie Delights: Cairns

As many of you that have read my blog before will know, Australia is a place that I have travelled and have many stories to tell on, so I have decided to call this series of stories Aussie Delights.

This stunning (and somewhat always sunny) country really is a beautiful place that if you are lucky enough to visit do and if not I recommend saving up to go. However Oz is never really a place I would consider going to live. I do enjoy being a 'pom' and believe it or not I do enjoy the English seasons. 

So here is the part you are all reading for... Cairns

The Someone Colourful and Confident Town of Cairns

So after a stop of in Darwin Airport from Singapore, Cairns was the first place that me and the Travelling Bear stayed in Oz. Many of our friends had people that we had met whilst travelling had said how much they loved Cairns...from it's beautiful diving trips to it's crazy wild night life - we were told that Cairns would not disappoint and to be quite honest it did not.

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