Saturday, 25 June 2011

Lovely London's Big Ben

A Peculiar Travel Thought?

I don't know why but at the moment I seem to enjoy adding pretty pictures and writing about iconic land marks, in particular iconic tower landmarks. So since writing about Le Tour De Eiffel I thought why not add in another. 

An Iconic English Land Mark

It's one on England's most iconic landmarks, buildings and symbol of the English culture

The (not so) giant bell clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster or to you and me Big Ben. Built in 1859 Big Ben currently stands at 316ft tall and has been featured in thousands of movies, tv shows, advertisiments and just general tourists photos. 

So here is my favourite collections of a true English landmark, Big Ben

Saturday, 11 June 2011

La Tour De Effiel

Located on Champs de Mars in Paris and standing at a stunning 324 metres tall (81 stories or 1,063ft tall) the Eiffel Tower or also known as La dame de fer (the iron lady) is one of the most recognizable structures in the world. 

Also one of the most photographed images in the world, the beautiful structure built in 1889, sparkles and glistens in the night sky. 

Here are some of my favourite images of the Eiffel Tower... Enjoy.

The Fabulous Phuket!

Phuket was the third stop of our route through Thailand, after flying into it from Phuket, we were told this place was the Ibiza of Asia. Myself and the travelling Bear stayed at a lovely hotel that was minutes away from the idyllic beaches and crazy night life. 

Beautiful Phuket Beaches
Whilst relaxing on the beautiful beaches of Phuket, with my travelling Bear, I was listening to The Beach soundtrack (some may say it's a cliché - however it is a must do when in Thailand) . Soaking up the golden sunshine I realised that I was lying on the beach listening to Woozy by Faithless. The song from that scene of The Beach, the moment where Francoise comes out of the water as Richard watches on from the busy street.
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