Friday, 27 May 2011

Delightful Dalyan: Turkey

As I previously mentioned within Eat Travel Love, my bags, clothes and travel guides were packed as I recently took a trip to Turkey with four of my dearest girlfriends.

Such a beautiful country, with green trees, aqua seas and very hot weather conditions. Other than the usual sun, sea and cocktails, myself and me group of besties decided to get a little cultural whilst relaxing in the Turkish sunshine and so we took a trip to Dalyan.

Located three hours away from Bodrum, Dalyan is a small coastal place that is influenced by Greek culture. Dalyan is surrounded by beautiful rivers with thick reed bushes (almost like something out of a bible story) against the beautiful limestone rock. Whilst in Dalyan we did some of the must see things.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

The Luscious Land of Byron Bay

Whilst traveling the East Coast of Australia we were lucky enough to visit the beautiful town of Byron Bay. A place of magic and mystery, Byron Bay is located on the Gold Coast. Unless anyone has visited Byron it is hard to describe the town other than think magical free loving hippie's who are welcoming and caring about the people of the town and the visitors who come to it.

The majority of food is organic and the people are into yoga - which suits this little town to the ground. It is an idyllic place for anyone seeking a sensual balance or relaxation in their lives. 

I personally loved the laid back atmosphere compared to my chaotic city life.
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