Sunday, 13 February 2011

Some of the most beautiful places in the world...

I'm sure for most travelers, their idea of the most beautiful places in the world is all difference. However for me, these are mine...

Tell me your favourite places in the world and tweet me @EatTravelLove

Thursday, 10 February 2011

♫ This Could Be Rotterdam ♫... Well it is.

When travelling around the world, I have met a number of people from the Netherlands - a place that I have never been and would LOVE to visit one day. But whilst trying to gather information and inspiration on places to see in my next grand adventure, I came across these beautiful images of Rotterdam. 

I didn't actually know that this is the second biggest city in the Netherlands and has one of the biggest ports in the world. 

So here are a few inspiring snaps that I have gathered of these beautiful city. 


Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Beautiful Images of South Africa

A nation that is full of conflict, lead by a great man and illustrates to the world such stunning landscapes for all to see. Yes, I am talking about South Africa - a place which I can not wait to pay a visit to. 

I have a few friends from South Africa who can not express how amazing their country is, which makes me want to visit it even more! Plus I love their accent. 

 Here are a few beautiful images gathered from Tumblr.  

Addo Elephant Park, South Africa by exfordy on Flickr.
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